• Love me without fear; trust me without wondering; BE there without restrictions. Accept me how I am. A love like that will be eternal

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Everybody keep a eye on the Times Gazette this coming week. I think your truly will make the paper. John Philleo wanted to meet Steve and me at the game, interview us and get some pictures. He is doing a piece on Coach Fulmers last homecoming game at UT. That's me signing a appreciation flag for Fulmer. Phil wanted me to e-mail it to him by today. The first piece will be Monday, with the next to be a full page on Wednesday. I had a great time, even tho' the VOLS lost. It seems the team would have come out and played their heart out for their outgoing coach, but it seems to me, they didn't really care. I had fun going to dinner Friday night with friends, then leaving before 7am for the game. It was a full day. The bagpipe band was awesome. The Tennesse Walking Horse Champion is always featured at UT's homecoming and this one was on different. I got home about 5:15 today and it is good to be home.

1 comment:

Thirty-One Gifts with Jennifer said...

Glad to see you had a great time. Can I get an autographed copy of you in the paper....it might be worth a fortune one day :).