• Love me without fear; trust me without wondering; BE there without restrictions. Accept me how I am. A love like that will be eternal

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stovall Thanksgiving

We had a Thanksgiving celebration at my sister-in-laws this afternoon. It was good to see some of the Stovalls that I haven't seen in a few years. It was the first time any of them had seen Michael or Brighton. Fran, sister-in-law that lives in Florida called and talked to just about everybody. All agreed that we need to do this more often. Family needs to spend time together. I was really proud of Avery. Heather had to work, but he came to a house he had never been to before, to spend time with alot of people he had never met before, to bring their girls to spend time with family. Everyody seemed to have a good time. Thanks to the Stovalls for making me feel like I still belong.

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