• Love me without fear; trust me without wondering; BE there without restrictions. Accept me how I am. A love like that will be eternal

Monday, February 23, 2009

A picture of Don and Me on the dock in Antigua. Maybe these pix will give you a idea just how big those ships are. Carnival Victory was bigger than the others in the port. I took the pix of the people from my balcony on the 9th floor. You can see the police boat between the Celebrity and the other ship. The harbor master was on board parking it on the side of the dock.... it was so cool to watch. It is amazing how they can spin all the way around without going forward or backward. I've seen a huge ship backup between two docks.....


Holli said...

I wanna go!!!!!

Thirty-One Gifts with Jennifer said...

This looks beautiful. I'm glad you had fun and didn't get eatin alive!