• Love me without fear; trust me without wondering; BE there without restrictions. Accept me how I am. A love like that will be eternal

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ODing on Grandkids....

Friday afternoon, I headed to M'boro to pick up Lydia and Rachel. We stopped at a farmers stand on the way home and got some homegrown stuff. Not long after we got home, Seth's family came out. Michael and Bayleigh stayed the night. Michael spent most of the time outside on his bike. The girls usually play real good together. I did finally have to threaten them to make them go to sleep. I knew I'd better sleep while they did. Sure enough, 6:03am they were talking and giggling (trying to whisper "don't wake up Mimi". We went over to our neighbors to see his rabbits. Of course, they tried to talk their parents into letting them have one. NOT!!!!

Heather picked up her girls around 4pm, then Misty brought Brighton around 4:30. I had her for a few hours. Brighton is getting better, but wants to be held most of the time. Needless to say,,,, I slept good last night. I was tired, but it was worth it. I have a baby shower I need to go to this afternoon, but I think I'll send my gift and go to the movie and relax.....